Internet – Ceekhly Information Technology News Freelancing & Motivational Sat, 20 Aug 2022 12:33:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Internet – Ceekhly 32 32 How to Protect Yourself from Dollar Devaluation in Upcoming Days in 2022-23 Sat, 20 Aug 2022 12:33:27 +0000 New economic data has come to light in the past few weeks that indicates a sharp devaluation of the dollar is imminent. More than that, it may already be underway. That’s because macroeconomic conditions are similar to those that led to the 1970s recession and 1980s oil price crash — two previous instances of dollar devaluation. If you own savings or investments denominated in dollars, this news poses an urgent threat. The value of your assets could plummet as the purchasing power of your savings declines. It’s important to take steps now to protect yourself from dollar devaluation. Read on for details on how you can safeguard your assets against such an event and what you can do if you aren’t quite ready yet but feel as though time is running out.

What is dollar devaluation?

Dollar Devaluation

Devaluation is a decrease in the value of a particular currency. This can take place as a result of government action or as a result of a loss of confidence in a particular currency. If a government wants to decrease the value of its own currency relative to a foreign currency, it may do so by decreasing the supply of its own currency. This is known as a devaluation. If the government wants to decrease the supply of its own currency, it might impose capital controls or raise interest rates. This makes it more expensive for people to borrow money. As a result, people borrow less, decreasing the demand for money. When the demand for money decreases, the price of money (i.e., interest rates) increases.

How does dollar devaluation work?

In order for a government to decrease the value of its own currency, it must do one of two things: either increase interest rates or restrict the supply of its own currency. Increasing interest rates is a relatively straightforward and transparent process. Restricting the supply of currency, however, is not as easy. One way to restrict the supply of a currency is to impose capital controls. Doing so would limit the amount of currency that people can either bring into or take out of the country. A government can also increase taxes on imports, making it more difficult for foreign companies to sell their goods in the country. In addition to these straightforward methods, the government could also decrease the supply of currency via the central bank.

3 Steps to protect yourself from dollar devaluation

If a country’s currency is expected to devalue, one of the best ways to protect yourself is to own assets that are not denominated in that currency. This way, you benefit from the assets themselves, regardless of the situation with the currency. Some examples of assets you could own are stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, or commodities. While it’s impossible to predict the future, there are a few signs that indicate a sharp devaluation of the dollar is imminent. We recommend taking the following steps to protect yourself against dollar devaluation:

  1. Get your assets off the balance sheet. If you own assets that are denominated in dollars, you’ll lose money as the dollar weakens.
  2. Consider assets that are not denominated in dollars.
  3. Earn money in dollars like online work. Click on this link to know the latest, creative, and exciting ways of Online Earning

 2 Ways to hedge against dollar devaluation

There are a few ways to hedge against dollar devaluation, including diversification and currency hedging. These methods can help ensure that your savings and investments retain as much value as possible. The first method is to diversify your assets across a variety of asset types, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. The second way is to hedge against dollar devaluation by investing in foreign currencies. This method is known as currency hedging, and it involves borrowing money in a foreign currency and then converting back to dollars at a later date. The beauty of this method is that you can earn interest on both your original investment and the borrowed money, which can help offset the increased risk associated with this strategy.


As you can see, there are many signs that dollar devaluation is imminent. While it’s impossible to predict the future, it’s crucial to monitor economic trends and new data to see which way the market is trending. If you own savings or investments denominated in dollars, this news poses an urgent threat. The value of your assets could plummet as the purchasing power of your savings declines. It’s important to take steps now to protect yourself from dollar devaluation. If you have savings that are denominated in dollars, you have two options. You can convert your savings into other currencies to protect against the dollar’s decline, or you can hedge your dollar-denominated investments by borrowing in another currency. Regardless of which method you choose, it’s crucial to take action soon.
Read more about the Complete 7 Rangi Formula to win freelance projects and earn from freelance marketplaces.

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Tesla’s Factories in Germany and Texas Are ‘Money Furnaces’ Says Elon Musk Thu, 23 Jun 2022 17:57:38 +0000 Tesla flowers in Texas and Germany are triggering a lot of cash to burn. ” Elon Musk said in his recent interview. These factories are losing billions of dollars.” Elon Musk said Tesla’s plants in Germany and Texas are falling in value due to the continuing supply chain crisis. 3- part interview with Elon Musk was conducted within the Tesla Gig factory 5 in Austin tx, on May 31.

Spray discusses the difficulties Tesla continues to be producing cars at it is the gig factories in Austin TX and Koeln between jabs at journalism and also Tesla owners of San Francisco bay area members laughing too hard at Musk’s mundane attempts at humor. Quite possibly losing billions.

“The history 2 years have been a total nightmare of supply chain distractions, one thing after another, and we are not out of this yet,” he said. “Our concern is how do all of us keep the factories operating thus we can pay individuals rather than go bankrupt, and then almost everything else is nice to have got,” Musk said in your statement. “Both Berlin and Austin Texas factories are gigantic money furnaces, ‘he said. Requirements in money racing can be like a giant roaring sound.

This individual said the supplies needed to build the 2170 Teslas were definitely stuck in China’s ports. “We the Shanghai factory inop, we have the tooling in order to permit this factory stuck during port in China with nobody to really move it, inches he said. Morgan believes that the complaint will be evolved into fixed “real fast”, whenever that could be.

The global supply chain catastrophe has effects on everything from computer chips to baby solutions. Tesla has now seen long wait lists for consumers considering buying the autos.

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Microsoft Teams is definitely artificial thinking ability to forestall awkward interruptions in video calls. Fri, 17 Jun 2022 06:09:35 +0000 Microsoft is getting ready to tackle some of the biggest problems in the video fauve. Verge notes that Microsoft is rolling out AI-based mostly voice quality upgrades which will help each caller hear the other clearly. Unit learning models influenced by complete neural networks can cancel responsiveness-related overlaps and perhaps avoid awkward interruptions. If you are a rude person, do not interrupt someone else ‘s train of thought.

Unit learning along with a combo of 85, 000 simulated rooms and 32 000 hours of speech training to strategies echoes from the speech. Microsoft paid regular Squads users to record their comments in order to distinguish devices. The processing happens on the device.

This helps Microsoft conserve money but also ensures that the echo reduction is carried out quickly and across a wider associated with users.

After many months of testing, the feature is live. It gets in double with various other advances, including AI improvements for bandwidth-limited video calls. Whenever virtual meetings are commonplace on a , then why if you undertake Teams over equals like Zoom or Google Get together?

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8 Important Components Of SEO For The Website Sun, 21 Mar 2021 15:01:35 +0000 Are you looking for a complete SEO list for the website? Well, then you might understand the importance of it and that is why I am summarizing for your the best and most important component of SEO for the website that will make your life easy. 

What is SEO?

SEO is the abbreviation is Search engine optimization. This optimization is needed for your online website regardless of its purpose whether it is created for eCommerce or a simple blog to rank and show in google and other search engine results. 

SEO comprises many components that should be applied collectively to fulfill the desired results. I will be discussing each component for SEO for the website in detail and explain to you why it is important and how it works. Learn more about SEO ranking factors.

Why SEO For The Website is Important?


Increased audience and website traffic are some of the main reasons and goals for doing SEO for the website. You can reach maximum people and can increase your web traffic by doing good SEO for the website that will increase your visibility and rankings.

If you want more probabilities to get your site to be found through Google rankings and other search engines as well. You need good SEO practices that will help you in achieving top rank among the competitors.


This one is related to the first one but comes next on the list of benefits of SEO for the website. If you are not doing SEO and not applying the right strategies your website whether your blog or eCommerce will not show on the search engines. SEO is the thing you have to apply to boost your internet visibility. On the other hand, your search engine rankings are directly related to your visibility.

The higher you are visible on a SERP that is search engine result page, the more likely it that you are ranking higher. The more powerful effort you will put on your SEO for the website, the higher your visibility and simultaneously your rankings.


The concept of authority is similar to that of a market when you build your new shop in the market many factors will involve in building your shop authority in that particular market. The same applies in the online market where your website is your shop and there are certain factors you need to do to increase your online authority of the name you have selected for the website.  This is known as domain authority. The better is your SEO for the website the better will be your domain authority.


By applying SEO for the website you can grow your business on the internet in no time. The eventual goal in creating the website or blogs on the internet is to earn money by generating sales and growing business by different methods. SEO has a direct impact on that. The better the SEO the more will be the sales and ascending increase in your business. SEO for the website will help you strengthen relations with your viewers, improve their experience, push more traffic to your website, and increase conversions for the business.

What Are The Components of SEO For The Website?

I am listing some of the most important components of SEO for the website in details and why they are important:


This is the first important component of SEO for the website that most people neglect. Whenever you are building a website or getting it build make sure it is attractive, easy to use, or in other terms user-friendly, well structured, and having all the necessities one should have for running a website. Also, make sure your web design is mobile-friendly. 

While making the website also take care of the hosting company you choose because slow webpages hurt SEO for the website.


By secure website, I mean from HTTPS instead of HTTP. Usually when you build a website and without an SSL certificate, it is not secure. You have to put an SSL certificate on your website address to make it secure and convert it to HTTPS. 


After making the website and getting it ready always keep your mind clear about what is revenue you are expecting from this website for doing so the first thing is to understand your users. Think of yourself as a user and then plan.


You might have heard that content is the king. You can get the guide to starting your career as a freelance writer here. But content is not only about writing and words it has a lot of components in it that I am mentioning below:


Words are the most expressive type of content. By words, I meant that you need to create keyword optimized paragraphs for your website. Words in terms of pages (about, content, terms and services, the home page), blogs, product descriptions, etc will be great as far as SEO is concerned. 


So, like a said content is not only restricted to the words but also you can beautifully create them in the form of images. Images are attractive and engaging. Nowadays a good form of images known as infographics is introduced to increase more credibility of SEO for the website. If you are running an eCommerce website the high-quality 3D images of products will do the job.

Other Types of Content

  • Videos 
  • Audio
  • PDF files


The HTML headings are simply HTML tags that are for headings. They make it easier for the search engine bots to crawl through your website and content. There are H1 to H6 heading in HTML and they are for the sections and then subsections of the page and its divisions.


Keyword research is one of the most crucial things in SEO. You can not just randomly create content for your website. You have to search and rank for the relevant keywords to do this. The keywords are the practice of finding, analyzing, what people are searching the most related to your website niche. In other words, increasing and targeting the users through search.

You can try the tools like Google AdWords for your keyword searching. 


Linking SEO is a combined term for internal and external links that create combined link juice for increasing your domain authority and boosting your SEO for the website.

Internal Links: URLs embedded in your own website and linking your multiple pages with each other.

External Links: URLs embedded in your website from other websites are called external links. 


Another tool for SEO is google analytics and the audit for your website. These are not the actual component of SEO for the website but they are necessary to monitor it. Tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs are used for that purpose.


Wrapping it up with a thought that SEO for the website is of utmost importance and without this, you will not be able to stand out from the crowd in the online world. Follow the guidelines and practice components of SEO for the website if you are just starting from day one. I will be giving more knowledge-based articles like these on SEO in upcoming writings.

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Top 6 Online Shopping Sites In Pakistan Mon, 22 Feb 2021 06:27:25 +0000 If you are an internet user I might doubt that you have not to purchase anything online and are unaware of the ease that online shopping brings. The online shopping sites in Pakistan gaining a lot of traffic due to this reason only. Because as per your convenience and the occurrence of COVID-19 it is easier to shop while at home than to go and shop in the supermarket.

Pakistan stands out as the second-largest online marketplace in South Asia. The recent report of the state bank of Pakistan is that the online market doubled in the last 1 year. That report also suggests that the local businesses have invested more than 18 billion per.

Initially, there were very few online shopping sites in Pakistan that were available. But now the website and the trend of online shopping increasing day by day. But the main issue is that occurs when one is wanting to start searching for online shopping sites in Pakistan is the confusion they face. This occurs because a lot of websites available in Pakistan offer online shopping services. 

But due to online money fraud and identity theft, it’s hard to trust a source. Let us find out what are the most reliable and authentic top 10 online shopping sites in Pakistan.

The Top 6 Online Shopping Sites Of Pakistan

I am listing these sites based on popularity, customer support, and ease of shopping in my opinion.


The name of Daraz required no introduction when it comes to online shopping sites of Pakistan. It is the fastest-growing eCommerce marketplace and the most popular one as well. Daraz offers a wide variety of products not from Pakistan but outside the country too. From groceries to electronics to home appliances and even fashion and beauty products all are available.

It is easier to use and offers the website version as well as the app. You can browse products from many different sellers, as per their discounted options and ratings before the order is being placed. Daraz is having a decent return and exchange policy which makes it trustworthy and stands out from the crowd.

Additionally, if you want you can also sell as a seller on Daraz you can do it very easily. Look for the easy steps to start selling on daraz. Although one of the most famous shopping websites, Daraz unquestionably needs to further enhance its buyer security system as it is usually difficult to return the product sometimes, plus the process is lengthy and getting a refund is hard.


Home Shopping is the second on the list of reliable online shopping sites in Pakistan. The quality of products offered by this website is usually high quality and 7 days replacement policy. If you buy a product from home shopping it offers 1-year repair warranty services. Most of the bulk on this website is related to technology and hardware appliances.

Their policy of services is good in which the business guarantees that the price of products is unbeatable. If you find any product that you want to is charging a higher price then you can share the link with them and they will be ready to refund the price. Furthermore, in addition to that, unlike other online shopping sites in Pakistan, this website offers product delivery just in 1 to 2 days that is 24 to 48 hours.


Ishopping is a well-known online shopping site in Pakistan that has a variety of electronic products and gadgets. These may include mobile phones, computers, and Laptops, video games and consoles, etc. Moreover, the customer support is friendly with the easy refund policy, rest the quality is assured. Most of the products are offered at reasonable prices. Some products might show higher rates than the market but the replacement policy is easy with a user-friendly website design.


Goto is a one-stop online shopping site in Pakistan that is offering secure payments and a convenient shopping experience. Created on the precipice of assurance and calmness of mind. This website aims to provide the users with a ceaseless and completely trouble-free shopping platform that enhances their experience. Ecommerce stores in Pakistan have seen a roaring boom in the mainstream over some years. 

With the increasing trends of online shopping sites in Pakistan, Goto has developed its own unique name in intensifying the shopping experience with the most important thing one is looking for when it comes to online shopping. For example shop with confidence, reliability and secure site, originality of the product, and agility. An extensive range of leading brands covers all categories of technology, fashion, beauty, and home accessories.


Shophive is another popular online shopping site in Pakistan that has been in the business since 2006. It has developed into a very large eCommerce site that offers various products online to buy.

Furthermore, the name itself is known for its conventional shopper and after-sale assistance. The prices are approximately equivalent to the market. It offers expeditious delivery to the large well-known cities of Pakistan. Despite its shopping volume online and a large contribution to online business. That is to say, that it can be easily placed among the top 6 online shopping sites in Pakistan.

Shophive deals with various sorts of electronics. For example Television, LEDs, Laptops, cellphones, Printers, and Scanners, etc. Lifestyle product categories include Fashion, Health & Beauty also present.


Yayvo is always kept on the list of main online shopping sites in Pakistan and I kept it among the top 6 because of its reliability. It is launched by renowned courier company TCS Ltd. TCS itself is serving Pakistan with great enthusiasm for many years. When service is launched with the reference it will be highly reliable. 

So, Yayvo is reliable there is no doubt, and will give the delivery of the product quickly that is also ensured. Although the amount and categories of product are still limited as compared to other sites. Further with the pledge of the label and excellent client service, it can be your most reliable online shopping partner.

Yayvo currently offers some categories including electronics, cell phones, and beauty commodities. 


Online shopping is great to be done nowadays as it will not only give you shopping ease but you can do hours of window shopping without exerting yourself physically. Comparison of products is also easy. Apart from the top 6 online shopping sites in Pakistan, if you’re looking for a consigned brand for your online shopping with ease.

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What Are Some Internet Advantages and Disadvantages? Sun, 07 Feb 2021 17:07:22 +0000 Without a doubt, the present lives are almost impossible without the internet. A couple of decades back it was almost unknown to people and even in its starting era only known to some government authorities. Now it is 24/7 available in everyone’s pocket and making their lives easier.

But with the rest of the things in the world, there are some internet advantages and disadvantages. If you are a regular internet user which I am sure of, you should know about those.

The reason I am saying this is because you might not know about the certain advantages of the internet knowing them might benefit you. Likewise, there might be some disadvantages of the internet you should get yourself aware of to avoid troublesome future circumstances.

Internet history and a brief introduction are already discussed in my previous article. Today’s focus will be on the internet’s advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start the discussion now.

Internet Advantages And Disadvantages

Let’s get goods and bad of the internet one by one


Positive things first so I will be mentioning the positive aspects of the internet network below.

Endless Information

Before the internet, the source of information was few. For example books, newspapers, magazines, television, radio. The Internet is the collective hub of all the resources available under one platform. You can get endless information on the internet on every topic you can name and imagine.

Entertainment Anywhere And Everywhere

The Internet provides a lot of resources for entertainment. These include reality shows to movies to online gaming. With that, the good news is that it is available without any cost. This means before the internet you had to pay to watch a movie or play games. But in the internet era, all are becoming easily accessible without excess cost.

News Updates

I remember times where you needed to wait for a piece of TV news or daily newspaper to confirm and find out any news and get its details. But nowadays all the news and updates are just a click away. 

Online Shopping

After the internet, remote shopping like many other internet advantages is one of the tops. Initially, it was not promoted by common people but now the trend of online shopping is increasing day by day. It is easier and less time-consuming.

Easy Communication

The Internet made it way easier to communicate. Previously the way of communications was through landline telephones or post. Nowadays because of the internet, it is not only possible to call anyone from anywhere at any time of the day but also you can see that in the form of video calling facilities and more.

More Ways of Earning

Ways of earning through the internet are also an excellent opportunity especially for those who didn’t find any job or even people who are not well qualified. The options on internet earnings are endless. You just need to learn some skills and then you can join some third-party platform like Fiverr or Upwork to kick start your earnings through the internet.


Let’s now put some light on the disadvantages of the internet.

Not Every Information Is True

The Internet is a huge pool of information that might have no end to it. Every piece of information you name is available with one click no matter what you are searching for. Beware that not everything you are reading and listening to on the internet is true. This is one of the biggest disadvantages you might be facing if you are doing regular internet surfing. For example, nowadays a popular topic to be searched on the internet is COVID19.

Not every information regarding this disease or any other disease or medication is true if it is written on the internet. Choose the platform wisely especially where your health is concerned.  

Increase Thefts And Money Frauds

With the increasing trends of online banking and online payments. This also includes the online shopping facility. There is also an increasing number of frauds concerning money. People cheat based on doing investment with the hope that it will be doubled after a certain time or the hackers are available to use your online banking or payment information for money theft.  


If I will say that the internet is not child-friendly that might not be wrong. Pornography is one of the top increasing trends on the internet from the very start. You have to keep an eye on your children and their internet activities if you are planning to give them access or use the child’s lock or Parental controls on windows and the internet.  

Loss of Data

Losing your data from the internet is as easy as finding and saving it. You can lose all your data if your account is compromised for some reason or even the document got corrupted or got a virus. This also includes if you got your account locked or hacked.

Lack Of Privacy

When something is on the internet it will remain there forever even if you delete it, the particles of it will remain in the internet database. With the increasing trends of social media, it is becoming easier for people to look into each other’s lives and privacy. Your data, pictures, contact information are accessible to everyone and there is no more privacy left.

Lesser Family Time

The internet has made lives easier yet difficult. The upcoming generation has so much to focus on that it has almost forgotten the importance of family and the trends. 

Wastage Of Time

There is no doubt that the present generation is spending more time on the internet than anything else. This has to do a lot with easily accessible and endless options for different activities on the internet. This can lead to lesser book time and education. Even if you are a freelancer and spending a lot of time on the internet, learn about the freelancer’s health concerns.


I might have said a trillion times before that excess of everything is dangerous. Nothing is important if you need to compromise your health and fitness plus your family time. The Internet is an awesome invention and there are internet advantages and disadvantages among them, a few of which I have discussed. Try to enjoy life as a whole. Enjoy the internet, as well as your family time, your health, etc. Once you will start doing the check and balance everything will be enjoyable. 

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Understand WhatsApp Privacy Policy Before You Regret Mon, 01 Feb 2021 20:28:11 +0000 What’s app recently introduced its new WhatsApp privacy policy. Which clearly mentions that it will share your data with Facebook. basically, it is a strong agreement between both apps to share the private data of app users to enhance the user experience about the usage of the internet.

WhatsApp Privacy Policy
What’s user database is shared with Facebook privately not publically so you don’t need to worried about it. both apps operating by the Facebook group. Due to false rumors and lack of information about the right privacy policy, what’s app loses a number of users. With launching this new WhatsApp privacy policy end to end encrypted messages chat app. such as telegram and signal get high popularity and get a huge amount of active users without spending a single penny.


What does Social Media say About  New WhatsApp Privacy Policy?

There is a huge backlash on social media about this new WhatsApp privacy policy. people are expressing their thought about the new privacy policy. Most of them decide to uninstall the WhatsApp app due to their privacy or private concerns.

Do The Privacy Really Matters for Peoples?

People all around the world are very serious about their privacy. nobody wants that some play with their private data or represent it publically. WhatsApp competitor apps get free benefits due to these fake rumors that the new WhatsApp privacy policy will reveal the private data of WhatsApp users.

How We Are Paying The Cost of These Free Apps?

The truth is that everything that we are using in free is very dangerous for us. actually, we are paying the cost of free things in the form of our personal data, these big companies are playing without interest likes, dislikes, and all other concerns that we will never want to share with anybody at any cost.

How We Can Save Our Private Data From WhatsApp?

Most people are confused about how one can save his/her personal and private data from these bullshit apps. The answer is “yes” you can save your data from these apps. you just need to give some attention while installing and using an app not only WhatsApp. when we install the app they ask for permissions about the gallery, camera, and mic, etc, don’t give permission to your gallery and other media once you press the “allow” button these apps have full control over your photo gallery and other media.


I just want to share my own thought about these free apps. Everything that we are using free, cost us highly but in secret. Be aware of the things and use of technology. What do you say about this new WhatsApp privacy policy update? comment below I want to read your thoughts as well. do follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well to learn something new every day from cheekily.


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The Digital Era – Why Was The Internet Invented? Sun, 31 Jan 2021 16:28:35 +0000 Internet invented even before the start of the 21st century but the use was not easily accessible to everyone. 21st century in my point of view in the actual digital era or the era of the internet. There are endless advantages and disadvantages of the internet which will be discussed later in some other text.

For now, when the internet invented and easily accessible, it lands a lot of benefits to humanity. This especially made connecting people easier way. With the growing use of the digital world, everything and everyone is just a click away. As we all in the present era can’t imagine our lives without the internet. So, today I will be putting some light to discuss how, when, and why was the internet invented.

What Is The Exact Internet Definition

The exact definition of the internet as per Wikipedia in my words I am quoting below

The Internet is the collective system of networks that are interconnected and use TCP/IP protocol to make communication among devices. The Internet has all kinds of networks that include private, business, and government with many more. They are connected locally and globally via an invisible electronic wire. 

What Year Was The Internet Invented 

It was the era of the 1960s, which is actually considered the start of internet emergence. Before this, there was no proper way of communication on computer networks. Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP) was the back then the protocol was established.

TCP/IP allows different types of computers on various networks for communication. This allows every network could now be connected by a universal language.

Internet Invention Date

The exact date of the internet invention is 29th October 1969. The first message delivered through it was: a “node-to-node” message from one computer to the other one. 

Few Words On Internet History 

After the invention in the 1960s. The internet grew huge at the beginning of the 2000s. It the important to the point that it becomes and impacts each aspect of daily life. Software companies grew bigger, and merchants accustomed to these innovations by making their internet solutions accessible on every web browser. 

However, the functionalities remain unchanged and there was no significant transition towards it. The main purpose of the internet then was data management tactics, easy communication, information forums, and chit chat were the main motives of the internet.

After that, the introduction of the social communications platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter somewhere in the middle of the 2000s makes the existence of the internet even more prominent. People can be easily connectable making the internet even more popular. This was not only adapted on the personal level but also on the academic and professional level as well.

Later in the series the 2000s, there was also the option of online applications for jobs and learning options on the internet. All this not only makes the academics better but also in the productivity in professional life.

What Are Advantages Of Internet Invention

The advantages of the internet are endless. It is one of the most powerful creations of humankind. It offers people an easy way of communication, authentic learning and knowledge facilities, and entertainment resources as a plus point.

The benefits of internet invention are a lot I will discuss in the later posts in detail. For the sake of the present article just mentioning the names of some of these below.

  • Data sharing
  • Easy communications
  • All the time connectivity
  • Tracing the right address and contact info
  • Learning platforms for free
  • Online banking
  • Endless entertainment
  • Online shopping
  • Remote working options
  • Online data storage
  • Advertisement seems easy
  • Making online brands
  • Job searching online

Although the digital platforms are widespread and increasing day by day in popularity. Internet digital solutions cant replace the importance of the traditional platforms designed for specific goals and areas like schools for knowledge, people assigned for task management, or even instant messaging face to face. 

The endless excellent case as the need to extend platforms and statements invented for a sole objective. However, interoperability and combination with third-party platforms, apps, and subsisting internet setups are needed for a more enjoyable work experience.

Why Was the Internet invented?

When the Internet was invented the core purpose for that was to help the military and to use it as a weapon during wars. It was invented as a government weapon for easy and private communication between soldiers. After that, the purpose was shifted towards scientific communication. For years, scientists and researchers were the only ones who have used it to communicate and for data sharing. 

The Bottom Line

The purpose of the internet was something else and it’s being the backbone for providing a multidisciplinary solution of almost anything you can name of. Before a decade no one can imagine the things internet invented and made easier for mankind. Everything is just one click away in the world of the internet.

Online business, platforms, earnings, communication platform will not be possible if there was no internet. Lastly, I hope this article helps you in understanding the internet better. May this content I shared with you gave some insight about the origins of this galaxy of information known as the internet we use today.

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Read This to Rank Your Fiverr Gig On Page One Sat, 17 Oct 2020 17:30:07 +0000 Who doesn’t want to see their Fiverr gig on the first search page? Almost, everybody, so here are some of the ways explained through which you can also rank your Fiverr gig on the first page. 

Before this article do read the introduction to Fiverr, How to create a Fiverr gig? Then tips and tricks for a unique gig. After reading all of them come to this article for a better understanding of this topic. 

You have to make your gig and update your profile the same way I have told you to do and then apply these tricks to increase the ranking of your gig.

Why It Is Important To Be On Page One?

If you have created a gig and it is on page 10 or 12. Getting orders is another scenario, do you think someone will even visit your gig? 

Try to think like a buyer. If you are a Fiverr buyer and you want to buy a gig. Which gigs will catch your attention or on which gigs you want to place your order? Obviously, your preference will the gigs who appear in your eyes first. 

So, gigs displaying on the first page on Fiverr search are the highlighted and most successful gigs. Those get the highest orders and impressions that is why it is important to rank your Fiverr gig on page one. 

How To Rank Your Fiverr Gig

Summarizing some of the ways to rank your Fiverr gig on the first page: 


I can’t emphasize enough on this. I must say this is one of the most important ways you can rank your gig. By remaining active I meant is to be online on your Fiverr account 24/7.

Day time is different according to your timezone, it is important if you are active in your daytime which is easily possible. At the night Fiverr automatically detects that it’s night and you might not be able to do reply. 

But I would recommend being online whenever and wherever you can. There are some easy ways to do so:

  • If you are using only the desktop version of Fiverr, get a Fiverr app on your mobile. 
  • Download auto-refresh for your desktop and keep your laptop on 24/7.
  • Set auto-refresh to every 5 minutes. This will make you active all day and night.


Make sure that your average response time is not more than 1 or 2 hours. This will be possible if your reply in 1 hour to every first message that came at the start of each conversation.

If your response time is more, your gig ranking will also drop as Fiverr will detect that you are less active than others.


Ranking of your gig also depends upon that how frequently you are getting orders and are you getting orders on your gig or not?

If you are getting regular orders from time to time your gig will also rank in no time to page one.


Try to get good positive feedback on your every order. This will be possible if:

  • The service you have provided to the client is high-quality.
  • You submitted your work before the deadline. 
  • Your conversation abilities are good, and you communicate with the buyer well.


What Fiverr offers is the 10 buyers request for each seller in 2 hours. Try to avail of all of them. The least will happen is that you will not get an order but the action shows the Fiverr marketplace that you are interested and you eagerly want orders.

This will also show that you are an active user of this freelance market place and all this will help in ranking your Fiverr gig eventually.


In my last article as well, I told you all that why SEO is so important for Fiverr and how Fiverr SEO is done. 

Fiverr SEO is one of the most important aspects of ranking your Fiverr gig. See my previous article to learn how to get your Fiverr gig Search engine optimized.


Some of the buyers request you a lot of work in exchange for less amount. A few days back I got a message from a seller who wants me to write 1000 words article in 1$ and he was needing 11 of those for 11$ in a day. 

The least I can charge for 1000 words article is 20$. So, what he was offering was not even near to my gigs price. That is why I politely let him down. I advise you to do the same. If you sell your services lesser than what they deserve, will decrease your value and your gig’s value as well.


Again repeating this but as done in my previous article as well. I will explain why promoting and marketing your gig is important?

If you have created anything for instance your gig, no one knows. You have to tell people about it, you have to gain traffic towards your gig. Without marketing and promotion, your gig will be hidden. 

Reach out to the most people possible through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or your personal contacts. This will increase your impressions and likes on your gig and hence helps in ranking.

Some promotions and marketing strategies are paid. If you can afford you can go towards them as well. But as a beginner, I would recommend you to do the basics first and grow gradually.

In conclusion, to rank your Fiverr gig on page one is important as explained above. But, all these strategies and processes take time. Don’t get impatient. Start working on them today and wait for the results patiently. Click here for more explanations.

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Here’s Why PTA Banned TikTok app In Pakistan Sun, 11 Oct 2020 23:31:45 +0000 Tiktok is one of the most popular and trending social media platforms. Recently PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authorities) banned the TikTok app in Pakistan due to the immoral use of TikTok. Tiktok app banned India back in few days due to some political issues between India and China. As the TikTok app own by china, therefore the Indian government banned the most popular Chinese apps like TikTok, Pubg(Player Unknown Battleground) Mobile, Pubg Light, and WeChat  In their country. The purpose of banning this app in India is just taking revenge from China as a result of confection between their armed forces on the country borders.

Why PTA Banned TikTok In Pakistan?

On Friday 9th October 2020, due to the number of complaints from the different areas of the country against sharing the immoral shameful content by the various users on this video-sharing app. Pakistan Governments take action against the unstoppable immoral and vulgar contents. Pakistan governments issued the notice to PTA for taking action against the TikTok app.

Why PTA Banned TikTok In Pakistan

PTA followed the Instruction and banned the TikTok app in Pakistan. However, Tiktok failed to meet the moral and ethical values of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan telecommunication authority took this app under review from a while ago. Due to a number of complaints from higher authorities. Directions were issued from PTA for Banning the TikTok app in Pakistan until an undefined period.


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