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Complete 7 Rangi Formula To Win Freelance Projects

Are you worried about how to bid on a freelance project? Here is the complete 7 rangi formula to win freelance projects. Although Bidding on buyer request is an ongoing learning process to win freelance projects. There is no brilliant key or equation to offer on each task in light of the fact that the undertaking’s temperament fluctuates. You can never realize what your buyer really requests until you read the description cautiously and comprehend your role for the task totally.

Today, I will discuss the secret to winning projects on Fiverr, freelancer, Upwork, or any other freelancing platform. 

Complete 7 Rangi Formula To Win Freelance Projects

Here is the overall and complete guide that unquestionably causes you to win freelance projects. Prior to writing a project proposal, most importantly, read the offer and understand your role. When you comprehend the task prerequisite and your part in the venture, the following stage is to set up your project proposal.

Step 1 

Greetings and Welcome:

Start your proposal with a welcome and greetings

  1. “Hello Qasim”
  2. “Hello Qasim, Have a Nice Day!”
  3. “Greetings!”

Step 2

Start Explaining the Client Project:

Once you have read a client’s project and get the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Start clarifying these KPI’s, it will assist with building your customer interest in reading your proposal. Let’s take an example 

Client Project Description: 

“ I am looking for an e-Commerce website for online selling  along with the payment processor with a attractive and eye-catching landing page along with a user-friendly back office. The entire website must be mobile friendly and responsive on all mobile devices as well”

Did you notice that I have made the project KPIs bolder? Let’s start with a proposal.

Our Project Proposal Restating The Client’s Project :

“ Hello John,

I understand you’re looking for online shoes selling e-commerce websites along with payment processor and with an outlooking landing page that attracts the visitor on your site. Moreover, you need a mobile friend and responsive website layout that can be manageable from an easily understandable back-office or admin panel.” 

Step 3

Introduce Yourself:

After giving brief instructions on customer projects, precisely present yourself.. Briefly explain to your client who you are? And how can you add value to their business using your expertise? 

“I am [your name], a professional woo-commerce website developer along with several years of hands-on experience in professional business website development that will be a plus point to monitor your project.”

Step 4

Explain About Your Working Process:

Explain briefly to your client about the workflow. 

“demo for your approval. when you agree with the final deliverable we push ahead toward building your site in a professional manner. I will give boundless corrections and convey more than your desire inside the predetermined time.”

Step 5 

Link Your Portfolio:

Must place one or two portfolio links.For Example

“Recently design professional websites 

  • Link 1
  • Link 2”

Step 5 

Call To Action:

Grab the client’s attention using a call to action tactics, like ask them a question that makes them feel to respond within no time. For Example  

“Please share the link of reference website”

Ask directly for a response

“Looking forward to your response”

Add Credit


Qasim Mughal”

Sum up All Section to Build Proposal Template 

“ Hello Qasim,

I understand you’re looking for online shoes selling e-commerce websites along with payment processor and with an outlooking landing page that attracts the visitor on your site. Moreover  you need a mobile friend and a responsive website layout that can be manageable from an easily understandable back-office or admin panel.

I am Qasim an experienced eCommerce website developer along with several years of experience in professional business website development that will be a plus point to monitor your project.

sample landing page designs for your approval. when you agree with the final deliverable we push ahead toward building your site in a professional manner. I will give boundless corrections and convey more than your desire inside the predetermined time.

 recently design profession websites

  • Link 1
  • Link 2

Please share the link to the reference website. looking forward to your response


Qasim Mughal


Apply this 7 rangi formula while you are bidding on any freelance project. Please, first of all, prepared your online portfolio so that clients were able to check your work and make it easy to do an assessment of your professional skills before hiring you.

Useful Note: subscribe to our youtube channel for daily freelance tips and tricks

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