freelance – Ceekhly Information Technology News Freelancing & Motivational Mon, 22 Feb 2021 06:34:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 freelance – Ceekhly 32 32 What Is The Correct Sitting Posture For Freelancers Thu, 01 Oct 2020 23:48:52 +0000 Are you someone who think freelancing is a cool job because you can work from anywhere and everywhere and in any position you want to? Well, this is true but only a half-truth. Problem is that as a freelancer you can work from anywhere and everywhere as per your feasibility but do you know how much the correct sitting posture is important? And what will happen if you don’t pay attention to a correct sitting posture?

A bad sitting posture is not only for freelancers but in traditional desk jobs also people have bad sitting postures while working on their desks in front of a computer. I will focus on the bad sitting posture of freelancers only and how it affects them. I will also make you learn what is the correct sitting posture for freelancers.

After the COVID-19 pandemic freelance career is growing rapidly. If you are someone who has just begun your freelancing journey let’s say you are a freelance writer. This article is important for you and all experienced freelancers as well so they can apply correct sitting posture while working.

Few Words About Correct Posture And It’s Benefits

Correct posture is what your spine has and aligned with it. Anything except this is incorrect. No matter you sit, stand, or lie down. If your body is not aligned with your spine then your posture is not correct. 

Your Spine Naturally Has 3 Curves:

  1. The outward curve at the level of the neck.
  2. The inward curve at the level of your chest.
  3. The outward curve at the level of your hips or lower back.

what is the correct sitting posture for freelancers

If Your Posture is Correct and Aligned With the Spine You Will Have:

  • Less stress on the muscles and joints during and sort of movement.
  • Your muscles, ligaments, and joints are less likely to get injured.
  • You will be able to maintain your balance properly.
  • The spine will be preserved and secured.
  • You will be free from all unnecessary pains and aches.

What Are Usually Practiced Bad Postures?

I am mentioning some of the commonly practiced bad postured by freelancers for their work:

  • Hunched forward and sloughed shoulders while sitting.
  • Holding a mobile phone between the neck and your shoulder while talking.
  • Sitting on a sofa with your legs up on the table of the chair.
  • Putting the laptop on your lap while using it.
  • Lean your neck down towards the screen while using a mobile or laptop.
  • Using the laptop while lying on the bed straight or at your side.
  • Lean forward towards the screen sitting in a chair.
  • Don’t rest your back on the chair and sitting at the edge of the chair.
  • Look at your screen with chin forward.
  • Sitting with an inadequate distance from your screen.
  • Sitting for excessive periods.

Harmful Effects Of A Bad Sitting Posture

There are many problems associated with this issue most common are listed below:

  • Unnecessary stress on your muscles and bones.
  • Persistent pain in the body or specific muscle.
  • Eyestrain and eye-related issues.
  • Bad or inadequate blood flow.
  • Pain due to nerve compression.
  • Permanent damage or change of alignment to your vertebrae results in reshaping of your back and overall posture.
  • Damage to your spinal cord.
  • Headache, neck ache, and other body aches.
  • Exaggerate your current condition such as arthritis
  • Unnecessary fatigue.
  • Mood related issues and disorders.
  • Stress and Depression.

What Is The Correct Sitting Posture For Freelancers?

Follow these steps to correct your posture or convert your bad posture to the correct sitting posture. Maybe initially this will be difficult for you, but gradually you will make it a habit.


  • Pur your lower back up to the chair’s back.
  • Then rest your upper back on your chair’s back.
  • Keep your back straight with support to the chair. 
  • Make all your curves align with the chair


  • Adjust the chair up to your height.
  • Make sure your feet are touching on the ground firmly.
  • Also, adjust other areas of your chair if there is an option. 


  • Adjust your upper and lower back to the back of your chair.
  • Support your back and its curves fully to the chair.


  • Use a desk that has a proper position and distance from you while sitting.
  • The desk must be on an adequate level to your body not very high not very low.


  • Keep the screen at your eye level is a must.
  • Keeping the screen at eye level will improve your eye health.
  • If you keep the screen at eye level you don’t have to tilt your neck below to look at the screen, hence helping you to keep your neck straight.
  • Also, tilt the screen up to 10-15 degrees backward.


  • Lie your feet on the ground.
  • There should 90-degree angle between your pelvis and your thighs.
  • A 90-degree angle between your knees and your legs.


  • Don’t roll your shoulders forward.
  • Keep your shoulders rolled backward aligned by your body.
  • Keep your elbows adjacent and close to your body as well.


  • Assemble everything around you before sitting so they are easy to reach for when needed.
  • Use adequate screen brightness for decreasing eyestrain and use glasses for eliminating the blue light effects.
  • Keep your keyboard and mouth in front and near to you.
  • Don’t use your lap for your laptop instead use a desk.
  • Keep your legs at 90 degrees to your pelvis bone, don’t cross them or spread them forward.
  • Exercise and stretch regularly for improving your posture.
  • Take a break every 30 mins for 10 mins at least.
  • Use hands-free for talking on the phone. 
  • Avoid bending forward or lean down your head at any point.
  • Put some pressure on both sides of the body.
  • If you are sitting on your bed use a laptop stand. 
  • Keep your neck relaxed and don’t poke your chin forward on screen.

In a nutshell, yes, freelancing is an awesome and far most easier job when it comes to lifestyle. Instead, do it with the right sitting posture to avoid any health consequences realted to it. Indulge yourself with a proper desk, chair, and computer glasses and enjoy your work.

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Is Depression In Freelancers A Major Concern? Sat, 05 Sep 2020 17:49:36 +0000 Are you working as a freelancer and often feel lonely and depressed? Want to know why? Freelancing is an awesome answer to many of your problems especially when it comes to making a living from home in this pandemic of COVID-19 which is aiding freelancing due to this reason. But do you know there are some aspects of freelancing that end up causing depression in freelancers? 

In this text, I will be discussing mental health and its effects as far as freelancers are concerned. It is itself a huge heading in which a lot of subheadings can be discussed such as Stress and Depression. But in this article, I will only be covering it concerning freelancers. 

What Is Depression?

Depression is that you are feeling sad and worry over things a lot that means you are stressed out. But if you are engaging in sadness over more periods of time and experience it repeatedly this will be converted into a serious medical illness known as Depression. It will not only affect your mind but your physical health and plenty of your daily goals will be affected. 

How Depression in Freelancers Presents? 

The most common signs and symptoms of depression in freelancers best described by the World Health Organization are:

  • Affecting the mind’s performance for example difficulty in concentration, memorization, and getting on to the conclusion.
  • Mood related problems: Irritable, excessive sadness.
  • Changes in sleep cycle: Sleeping a lot or lacking sleep.
  • Changes in diet: Eating a lot or eating less than usual.
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Unable to perform daily life activities
  • Avoiding gatherings and social interactions.
  • Unexplainable pains in different sites of the body.
  • Feeling sad, tragic, empty, and vulnerable more often.
  • Suicide thoughts.

What Factors Are Involved For Depression In Freelancers?

This is no doubt that freelancing is having a lot of dominance when it comes to traditional jobs but there are also obstacles faced by freelancers which are hard to neglect. One major obstacle is their declining health concerns. Below are 5 most important factors that a freelancer normally face on daily basis and are responsible for depression in freelancers 


One of the most common problems causing depression in freelancers is segregation. Working online is convenient so most of the people who are working as freelancers try to make the most of their day as possible.

They spend the majority of their time in front of a computer screen, which not only damages eye health but eventually affects mental health causing depression in freelancers. The time you are spending before your electronic screen alone leads you towards Depression.


Spending a large amount of time in front of the computer working will not allow you to give time to friends and family. Thus, there will be less human and social contact which is crucial for your mental health lack of which leads to depression.


Freelancing is quite different from 9-5 jobs. You will not get any stability in your jobs or your salary. This thing sometimes develops stress and anxiety leading to depression.


I know that in freelancing most of the time you are getting projects to work on, and there is a possibility that you will have long gaps between the projects, you will worry that you are not getting any work and this will push you towards depression.

Especially people who are emerging freelancers they will have a hard time getting their projects and there is a high chance of getting them depressed. 


In freelancing, you have to deal with clients online and there is a lack of a lot of things in between. Some clients give you hard time on a project or releasing your payments on time, and believe me there are many of them like that in the market who are hard to satisfy and in doubt increase stress level in your mind which will in due course lead to the way towards depression.

How Can A Freelancer Prevent Depression? 

  • Time management is key. Even if you are working as a full-time freelancer, divide your time and take breaks in between.
  • Try to take a break every 50 mins for 10 mins and at this time talk to your family and friends, do some physical household work. 
  • Spare 1 day in your week to chill and off from the computer. Go out with your friends and family, enjoy your time.
  • Take projects up to your capabilities. Everyone is different some people are quick others take time to complete a task. Analyze yourself and take projects accordingly. Don’t overburden yourself.
  • If you are having gaps in getting projects don’t get disheartened. In these times try to learn new skills and focus on your productivity. 
  • To avoid issues with clients always deal on third-party platforms, such as Fiverr and Upwork, or make an official and authentic project deal on paper, so that no one can lay their back.
  • Practice stress-relieving routing such as yoga and breathing exercises. 
  • If you need to talk to someone talk to your friend or family about your situation and if needed get medical help.

The Take-home lesson is that being worry and ends up depressed is not the solution to any problem. Try to be productive and motivated. Stop unbearable circumstances even before they are initiated. Every problem has a solution but you should have the art to find it out. Stop being stressed out as you know that it will eventually end you up with depression. 

It is already hard to cope up your mental health during COVID-19. Freelancing is a beautiful thing but if it making you sick and you can’t control yourself take a break from work for some time and get back later. Please be polite to yourself and go easy on you. Enjoy everything as I always say in moderation. And learn more about depression with the national institute of mental health

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How Electronic Screens Affect Eye Health Of A Freelancer Tue, 01 Sep 2020 15:52:03 +0000 Are you a freelancer and spending most of your time in front of the electronic screen of your laptop or mobile? Besides, do you know how these electronic screens affect eye health? 

There is no doubt that technology is growing rapidly, and people are living a life that involves electronic screens and gadgets all around them. The Internet has made life very easy and replaced most of the workforce.

Life is shrinking to be as compact and as easy as possible, so the idea of working online from home that is freelancing is also gaining a lot of importance due to COVID-19. Even if you are not a freelancer in this pandemic of COVID-19, your company might need you to work online from home.

It’s easy than a traditional job to staying home working from a laptop. But good things aside, think that how these electronic screens affect eye health? And what you can do about it? I will discuss this matter in detail and will clear all your queries regarding this issue.

What Are The Effects Of Electronic Screens on Your Eye Health?

There are a lot of obstacles faced by a freelancer and health care for freelancers is one of them. Freelancing not only turns you towards a sluggish lifestyle and stress you out but also affecting your eye health.

Computer vision syndrome or CVS is a collective term for the damage to your eyes given by electronic screens listed below:


How Electronic Screens Affect Eye Health?


Blue light is one of the wavelengths of light between 400-450 nm. This spectrum of light from electronic screens affects your eyes by increasing eye strains, vision issues, and further damages to different parts of the eyes, especially the retina.


If you keep the screen very near to your eyes there are more chances that electronic screens affect your eyes.


If you are already having eye issues you will be more prone to develop computer vision syndrome.


If you use very little brightness or very high brightness on your electronic screen it will affect your eyes.


Improper postures disturbed your eyes and screen coordination. Due to this, your eyes will have a hard time focusing which will eventually affect the eyes.

How To Prevent Electronic Screens Effect on Eye Health?

  • Adjust your laptop or computer screens in the correct position concerning your eyes. That is the uppermost part of your screen must be on the eye level.
  • Adjust and tilt your screen back and keep at an angle of 10 to 15 degrees. This position will be easy on your eye muscles and also reduce glare.
  • It’s advisable to keep the brightness of your electronic screen to it’s lowest to decrease eye strain.
  • Make sure no glare is on the screen from your surroundings and if there is one, adjust the screen or the surrounding object who is responsible for that glare.
  • Keep your electronic screen clean and dust-free.
  • If you have already existing eye dryness and you also working online this can aggravate dryness. For this issue, you can use dry eye prevention drops with the advice of a doctor.
  • Learn and practice blinking more often to prevent dry eye and eye strain.
  • 20-20-20 rule is a well known and advisable rule for people with eye-related issues or who spent more time in front of screens. That is take a 20-second break, keep the screen feet away and do this every 20 mins.
  • Set screen time for yourself and don’t use it unnecessarily.
  • Get yourself a pair of glasses specific for the computer vision syndrome and they also help in preventing blue light effects.
  • Use an anti-glare or matte protector for your electronic screen to reduce glare.
  • You can use a larger font than usual so your eyes easily read the text.
  • Go to your doctor for routine eye checkups at least once in 6 months.

Now the outcome, eye Health is not only crucial for a Freelancer or someone who is working from home or a freelancer, but for everyone who is using electronic screens in the majority part of their day.

This includes watching Netflix or Youtube. Let’s not forget social media here such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. These steps I mentioned will be applied to anyone regardless of work or entertainment.

There is nothing more dangerous besides the excess of anything who might be an asset of yours provided by technology. But due to that asset don’t ruin one of the biggest gifts given from God as eyes. Use electronic screens in moderation and enjoy the benefit without affecting your eyes’ health. See more about how to look after your eyes.

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The Difference in Traditional Employee vs Freelance Mon, 24 Aug 2020 17:11:14 +0000 Are you an employee at a traditional job from 9–5 and want to shift to freelance? There are some things to compare between employee vs freelance before you make that decision for your betterment.

In my first article of this series, I have discussed the ultimate guide to freelancing, how to set up yourself to start working as a freelance. In this article, I will do an easy comparison of employee vs freelance and how traditional jobs are different from freelance and which one is better for you.

Being Employee at Traditional Job 

In this kind of job, you work for a company as an employee.

  • Fixed duty timings.
  • Fixed salary.
  • Start earning from a very start.
  • Extra perks besides your salary such as bonuses, health insurance, getting a loan, etc.
  • You are just an employee working under an organization.
  • You will get promotions.
  • Work in a group of people.

Freelance at Home

  • Working online as an individual.
  • You are the boss.
  • You can schedule your work timings.
  • Flexible income.
  • You can work from anywhere.
  • Versatility in work.

Employee vs Freelance


You start earning from the very first month of your office job as an employee. But, in freelance, you might not earn on your first day or might not starting earning till 2–3 months or even a year.


If you are an office going, employee, you mostly go to the office 9–5. You have fix routine and organized a week ahead. In freelance, you lack that routine but can develop one.


As an office job employee, you have a team of professionals working on a project so it is done smoothly most of the time. In freelance, you are in charge of everything you might be good at one thing and not the other due to this reason some of the time you struggle and stuck at some point during the project.


If you an employee at a firm even if you take off can have rest and get paid for it, some days workload is low other days higher but at the end of the month, you get paid a fixed decent monthly salary. In freelance you will get what you have done and till you have done.


In an office setup, employees get to interact with a lot of people daily, laugh, talk, and eat with them. In freelance, you work alone and you are lonely, which can be exhausting.

Freelance vs Employee


In freelance, you have flexible timing or routine. if you are not feeling like to work in the morning, you can work at night or day or evening, take as many off as you want. You can eat or text during your work and no one will bother you for that. Dress like whatever you want and do your job on your bed lying in the most comfortable clothes of your choice.

As an employee, there are fix duty hours, specific dress codes, rules, and regulations to follow and it’s not at all flexible.


Yes, you heard it right. From freelance, even you can earn in a day more than an employee’s monthly salary. The more you work you get the more you get paid, the more good quality work you provide the higher will be your rates.

Employees get a fixed salary for days you do hectic work and for days you do light work.


You are your own boss. No one can order you or scold you for anything. But in an office setup, most of the time Employees are advised to do the work as the organization demands.


The great thing about freelance is you can work from anywhere and everywhere. You can make your own setup in your home if you want for work it can be as cozy or professional as you like. You can even work from a park, a restaurant, family or friend’s house, airport or even in a car.

The in-office job employee will daily go to the same place the same chair, the same table, same environment, and they can’t change it even if they want.


If you are an introvert you don’t like hanging out or interacting with people is not really your thing, freelancing is for you. You can work alone in peace.

In a company based job, you have to work in a group of people in a team, while interacting.


Office employees sometimes get bored doing the same tasks daily over and over again. But if you are doing freelance, you can change the type of work you want you can have a variety of work to do, which will keep building your interest and you don’t get bored.

In Conclusion, I am not and can’t declare anyone employee vs freelance as a winner here. Both of them have their own for and against. Every individual is different from others. You have to predict what is better for you and your lifestyle. If freelance is for you to go ahead if not stick to being an employee.

But, remember if you are confused about employee vs freelance or want to switch towards freelance completely. I recommend to don’t leave your traditional job all of a sudden, start freelance as a side business and once you get successful you can join it as a full-time.

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An Ultimate and Complete Beginner’s Guide to Freelancing Fri, 21 Aug 2020 19:14:43 +0000 Are you a beginner and have no idea what exactly freelancing is? Today you will get a beginner’s guide towards freelancing in the text below.

Stuck at the home is a bigger challenge due to many reasons which is a separate topic to discuss, but one of the biggest issues every country and individuals are facing is economic and financial hazards.

What Exactly Is Freelancing And Who Is A Freelancer?

  • Freelancing is a profession in which you will sell your experience and skills through the internet.
  • The jobs can be done from home and even without involving any organization or company.
  • You are a self-employed individual who is involved in Freelancing and is called a freelancer.
  • By self-employed means, you are not doing a job for any organization or company you are just selling your skill through the internet to a person who wants it directly and individually.
  • You can sell one service or many services according to your expertise.
  • Jobs you do as a freelancer will be contract-based, maybe for the short term or long term depending on the service and demand of the buying person called client.
  • These jobs can be applied through arbitrator websites that are safe in all perspectives to the freelancer and the client. Both came off the arbitrator platform and agree to get the work done. Find out about Top 3 Websites that include Fiverr and Upwork.

Types Of Freelancing Services

The good news is that regardless of your background and education you can offer almost everything as a Freelancer. Anything from your educational knowledge to practical skills can be offered through Freelancing. The list is endless but I am listing below the most common and trending top 10 services you can offer:

  1. Freelance Writing 
  2. Graphic Designing 
  3. Website development and Programming
  4. Teaching
  5. Digital Marketing
  6. Virtual Assistance 
  7. Search Engine Optimization
  8. Photography
  9. Data Entry
  10. Games and app development

What Equipment Do You Need for Freelancing?

Freelancing is business and as compare to others in the market this is the cheapest of all without a doubt. All your need to start as a freelancer is just 3 simple things. A list of necessities is endless, like modifications of your skills, stationery, computer accessories, or upgraded and paid software. But to start Freelancing you just need these:

  • A separate email address different from one on your personal use.
  • A good internet connection having 24 hours availability.

Freelancing Guide For Beginners


Dig up and ask yourself why you want to be a freelancer and do you want to be one? Once you have decided that you will work as a freelancer, the first step is to analyze yourself. Inspect yourself and find out what you are capable of, what you can provide to the market and clients.


You have already decided what service you will offer in the world of freelancers. Before introducing yourself to the market do some research about what other people of the same service as yours are offering. See their profile, their success rate, go on different platforms to find out your competition.


Go on the online platforms for example Fiverr and start with making your profile. Write everything clearly about your services. Make sure everything is truth and no scam. Focus on your services, your target market, and your competitors while making your profile.


Now you have completed your profile on an online platform successfully. Be your marketer, market yourself and your work, through sharing on social media platforms, a referral from a friend or family in the same line, and word of mouth.


Activate your profile you are good to start selling your skills and make living as a freelancer.

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5 Obstacles Faced By Every Freelancer In Their Journey Fri, 31 Jul 2020 18:35:06 +0000 Nothing on this earth is stable and smooth. Everything has its ups and downs, most of the good things in life come with a struggle. It is true for freelancing as well. When Freelancing comes with a lot of benefits like its significance over the traditional job. It also has obstacles faced by every freelancer in their journey.

As I have already discussed what is freelancing and freelance writing and its types. Now it is also important to discuss the struggles faced by an individual freelance writer.

There are many obstacles faced by freelancer in their journey of freelancing, but today I am discussing 5 topmost obstacles below:

Struggle In Setting Up A Business And Finding Clients

Initially, when you are new to the market of freelancers, nobody really cares about you and your offerings. The reason behind this is that many competitors in the market are offering the same services with either compatible prices or more experience than you. 

As a new freelancer, you can’t really just go and start to get orders. In fact, sometimes new people struggle a lot in getting their business or portfolio set up on different platforms. You have to work harder than others to make your reputable place in a market online. The key to this is patience. 

I highly suggest to keep calm and patient, what’s your will finds it’s ways to you. No matter what you want to achieve in life you will get through struggles in the passage. You only have to work hard to achieve it. Show people why you deserve this and show them what you are capable of. Don’t fear rejection. Instead, make it’s your biggest power for growth.

No Security Of Job

The question arises, Is working as a full-time freelancer is a secure job? The answer is NO. There is no security or guarantee for your job as a freelancer. The majority of the people are truthful and humble. Some people are difficult to deal with, stay away from those kinds of clients in the first place if possible.

Some clients are difficult to get payments from. You have done the work but they are kept on asking for revisions or you have submitted complete work to them but they are lazy to release your payment. There are clients difficult to satisfy, no matter what you do they are not satisfied with the work and give a difficult time releasing payments. 

Send reminders to your clients from time to time for your payment release. If you fail in doing so take the help of the platform support you are on.

Learn about scams so you can run a secure business online, and if you get scammed don’t dishearten, keep going. Not everyone is the same, people are good and bad, don’t limit your progress due to some bad people you came across.

Unsteady Daily Routine

A normal office worker might think about all the benefits of being a freelancer but obstacles faced by freelancers knows only by them. They know how much the struggle between managing time and settling the work. If you are a freelancer working from home, your family might not take it as same as traditional 9-5 jobs and you might get distracted from your work due to this. 

When you have a lot of work scheduled you seldom get time for yourself and ignore your family and your surrounding. And there may be days where you are free all day and no work to do. You can’t set a proper routine due to this fluctuation.

Due to flexible working hours, you might end up having sleepless at night time and sleeping in the daytime. Or sometimes not sleeping at all for long periods of time. All your routine gets disturbed, you become lazy and you end up being rush to complete the project. Sometimes it’s hard to meet the deadlines and this will have a high impact on the client’s relationship with you.

My advice on this issue is that. Make a daily or weekly schedule for yourself and stick to it. By maintaining this you will not end up in rush, you will meet the deadlines, and you can manage your work and personal life.

Health Threats

This is the most neglected section by freelancers. Yes, you read it right. Working from home as a freelancer is having a lot of health threats which is often neglected by everyone and very few freelancers pay attention to it. 

This topic will be discussed in detail in upcoming articles on the health of freelancers. The biggest health threat of all to specific freelancers is a sedentary lifestyle. The less mobility or sedentary lifestyle leads to a lot of health concerns such as heart issues, depression, high blood sugar, obesity, and many more.  Prioritize your health and don’t neglect it. 

Learn 10 health and fitness tips anyone can follow.


This issue will not be faced by you initially. As time goes by, and you are getting involved in your freelancing business, sitting on the computer alone. With time you will get frustrated and end up feeling lonely and stressed

We all are social animals and we need to socialize. Stay on the computer all day in front of the screen of your laptop will resist you to get socialize and with time it will affect your mental health as well.

What you can do about it? Like I said before try to make a schedule, once you have one, keep some time for yourself to spend with your friends and family. Try to find a freelancing partner, or try to work with a group of freelancers. You will enjoy freelancing more without getting lonely.

Lastly, Obstacles faced by a freelancer are not permanent and are preventable. Life is a journey full of rough roads and smooth road. Freelancing similarly has both. Learn how to be a successful Freelancer If you face a rough road don’t get worried about it, it’s just a matter of time. Keep yourself motivated. Time will pass and you will end up learning something new from your experience. Stay focused and work hard, rest will come to you when it’s time for it. As Robert H. Schuller said

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do”

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Get Certified In These 3 Skills if You Want to Be a Millionaire In Near Future Thu, 23 Jul 2020 01:22:05 +0000 Do you want to be a millionaire in the near future? Are you still in the learning phase and looking for an in-demand certification? Today, I will suggest three highly paid professional certifications that will make you a millionaire in the future. Either doing a high ranked job or offering services as a freelancer on a freelance marketplace.

Learn These 3 Skills if You Want to Be a Millionaire

  • Data Analyst (Data Science)
  • ML (Machine Learning & Robotics)
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)

The study says that these are the most in-demand and highly paid skills in the feature. The role of machines and robots is highly admirable in every field from the home kitchen to the enterprise-level industry. Everyone looking for advanced machines and robots that generate more output in less time and makes the production process faster. 

Space and technology institutions are looking for experts and highly professional peoples in artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and Data Analyst experts. These companies and silicon valley are ready to highly pay for the people who are expert in their respective profession.

President of Pakistan offering PIAIC (Presidential Initiative for Artificial Intelligence & Computing) one year program for youth to get Pakistan ready for the new digital era of computing enabled by the rise of artificial intelligence, research, and business by adopting the latest, cutting-edge technologies. So that they can reshape Pakistan by revolutionized education.

Experts say that this is the 4th industrial revolution. The Government of Pakistan is trying to contribute equally in developing a revolution in Pakistan education and wants Pakistan to become an international hub for AI(Artificial intelligence), data science, cloud & native computing,  blockchain, augmented reality, and internet of things.


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