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Tesla’s Factories in Germany and Texas Are ‘Money Furnaces’ Says Elon Musk


Tesla flowers in Texas and Germany are triggering a lot of cash to burn. ” Elon Musk said in his recent interview. These factories are losing billions of dollars.” Elon Musk said Tesla’s plants in Germany and Texas are falling in value due to the continuing supply chain crisis. 3- part interview with Elon Musk was conducted within the Tesla Gig factory 5 in Austin tx, on May 31.

Spray discusses the difficulties Tesla continues to be producing cars at it is the gig factories in Austin TX and Koeln between jabs at journalism and also Tesla owners of San Francisco bay area members laughing too hard at Musk’s mundane attempts at humor. Quite possibly losing billions.

“The history 2 years have been a total nightmare of supply chain distractions, one thing after another, and we are not out of this yet,” he said. “Our concern is how do all of us keep the factories operating thus we can pay individuals rather than go bankrupt, and then almost everything else is nice to have got,” Musk said in your statement. “Both Berlin and Austin Texas factories are gigantic money furnaces, ‘he said. Requirements in money racing can be like a giant roaring sound.

This individual said the supplies needed to build the 2170 Teslas were definitely stuck in China’s ports. “We the Shanghai factory inop, we have the tooling in order to permit this factory stuck during port in China with nobody to really move it, inches he said. Morgan believes that the complaint will be evolved into fixed “real fast”, whenever that could be.

The global supply chain catastrophe has effects on everything from computer chips to baby solutions. Tesla has now seen long wait lists for consumers considering buying the autos.

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