Content Writing

Exclusive Benefits And Types Of Freelance Writing Jobs

Recently started as a freelance writer and confused about what types of jobs suit best for you?

A freelance writer is someone who gets paid for an online piece of writing. If you a newbie to freelance writing I just want to get in-depth about the types of freelance writing jobs you can apply for as a freelance writer.

In this article, I will also discuss what are the exclusive benefits which are only for freelance writers. Once you have decided to pursue your career in freelance writing jobs, you have to understand the types of jobs you can apply to and what is best for you to apply to.

Types Of Freelance Writing Jobs


There is a slight difference between articles and blog posts. There is not much of a difference between these two but the article is a more in-depth type and well-researched of content writing whereas a blog post is precise and easygoing than that. This kind of job nature such as article and blog post writing is covering the bulk of freelance writing jobs online. 

Article writing pays better than the blog post writing. But blog post writing is nowadays more popular than article writing. A blog post is in a conversational tone where is articles are mostly journalistic tones. So, considering one of the other better than each other is a tough choice to make. 

As a freelance writer, you must master these two categories, they use in increasing traffic to the websites. You can also create your own blog. But creating your own blog requires a lot of time and effort and it’s not at all an easy job.


These types of writing mostly having a typical article writing. The newspapers and magazine writers are an informer to general people about any current event and the piece of writing is published in a magazine or a newspaper.

In this category competition is higher, the pay is lower and most of the time experience is a must.


Website content is what you have seen written on when you visit a website. Like the Home page, the About page, frequently asked Q and A’s, product illustration, and all the other pages you have seen on different websites are written by web content writers.

Nowadays every company is building a website these types of writers are in increasing demand and having a reasonably paid value.


Again to repeat this, if you need to be successful in getting freelance writing jobs and making clients, or to be a successful and in-demand freelance writer these two will be your best friend. Whatever content you write must be eye-catching, engage the audience, and having good search engine optimized than no one can beat you.

Learn SEO and Copywriting today and involve in every piece of writing you are dealing with. If you are a writer whose writing is ranking higher in search engines such as Google and you are increasing traffic through your posts you are more likely to be successful in freelance writing jobs.


If you are a legal person or having know-how about it. This category will pay you off as this niche is in demand. This type of writing needs to be double-quick and smart and requires a law background.


If you are okay with the lengthy writing projects or need a project which is a long term then this category suits you best. The client may require to write e-books about the biography of their own, a company’s product explanation, or much more reason.

Whatever the purpose of an e-book is, most of the time it’s not written under your name and it’s a time-taking and challenging project.


This is basically a form of marketing strategy, in which an affiliate content writer kind of promote or market the product through the piece of writing. As a writer, you need to explain product details, its pros, and cons too but mostly your writing should be in the favour of the product. 

After the writing piece is completed you will provide a product link at the end which will be an affiliate link. If someone bought that product through your writing content and the link given in that, you will get paid accordingly. This is another category that is in demand and most well paid.


This one is an easy job. In editing and proofreading, you will be given an already written content and you have to go through it and look for grammatical and spelling errors, the topic is well covered or not, the tone is right or not, etc. If you have a good critic’s eye or you are good at observation, you can go for this category.

Translation works for you if you know more than 1 or 2 languages. In this category also the content is already written you just have to translate it into the required language.


Ghostwriting is that your piece of writing will not be published under your name. This is a category I really don’t like or recommend. If you don’t need urgent money and can wait for it try to publish your content under your name this will help your career as a freelance writer. 

Initially, if you are not getting freelance writing jobs I might advise you to do it unpaid but not ghostwrite. But, no doubt it’s profitable but not recommended by me. 


If you can write a good resume this will be a good category to start with. It is mostly a side business. Not everybody can write resumes and if you help them writing it and they get hired, you will not only get paid but also be praised and get prayers. 

Exceptional Benefits Of Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelancing itself is having a lot of benefits especially over a traditional job, but Freelance writer jobs are having some exceptional benefits listed below:

  • A variety of work under one category that is writing
  • Flexible job and job timings
  • Chances of earning more than 9-5 jobs
  • Freedom of expression
  • Decrease stress
  • Your work creates awareness for people
  • Your mind is growing with constant learning
  • Fame and money together
  • Most secure job category of Freelancing

Some tips: Like if have said before always prioritize your client. Think about it, research thoroughly, then go for the project. Always communicate with your client will help you setting up and getting freelance writing jobs. Every client whoever is hiring you has the goal to either to increase traffic to the web or increase the selling of the product. 

Always keep in mind no one hires anyone for writing. There is a purpose behind every project. Always understand and keep that purpose in your mind. Understand that you are hired to fulfill an expectation of the client and his needs. With your writing and help the client to generate sales.

Keep on trying. Many people when starting their freelancing career get freelance writing jobs that are unpaid or uncredited. Don’t get disheartened by that. Spend time in learning and building your skills slowly and gradually you will get paid and get credit ultimately.

Qasim Mughal

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