Content Writing – Ceekhly Information Technology News Freelancing & Motivational Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:17:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Content Writing – Ceekhly 32 32 How To Start a Blog From Scratch in 2023 Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:17:22 +0000 Start a blog from Scratch can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. In this tutorial, we’ll take you through all the steps you need to know to get started, including choosing a domain and hosting provider, setting up and customizing your blog on WordPress, and optimizing your blog for search engines and performance.

Choosing a Domain and Hosting Provider To Start a Blog

The first step to starting a blog is to choose a domain and hosting provider. There are a variety of options available, and it’s important to choose one that meets your needs and budget. We’ll cover the pros and cons of different providers and help you make an informed decision.

Setting Up and Customizing Your Blog on WordPress

Once you’ve chosen a domain and hosting provider, it’s time to set up and customize your blog on WordPress. We’ll show you how to install and configure the platform, as well as the best plugins to improve your blog’s performance and functionality.

Optimizing Your Blog for Search Engines and Performance

Optimizing your blog for search engines and performance is essential for success. In this section, we’ll cover on-page SEO techniques like optimizing your blog’s title and meta tags, as well as technical SEO techniques like ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.

Keyword Research

I also cover how to use tools like the Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to do keyword research and identify long-tail keywords and phrases that can help drive targeted traffic to your blog.

Whether you’re just starting out with blogging or looking to improve your SEO skills, this tutorial has something for you. Let’s get started on finding the perfect keywords for your blog posts!”

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful and professional blog. Happy blogging!

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Difference Between Copywriting And Content Writing Wed, 11 Nov 2020 21:07:49 +0000 Many people consider copywriting and content writing the same things. On the contrary, they are two different fields. They are perhaps closely related, but the primary focus and the goals of both disciplines are entirely different. In this blog, we may clear your doubts and help you understand the basics of these fields.

Copywriting v/s Content Writing

You might probably consider them the same fields because you have to write content in both copywriting and content writing. Then where the distinction lies? Young writers need to know the difference between the two. Copywriting is to write something with the intent to sell anything. The primary focus of this field is to generate sales through writing. They are copywriters who write any advertisement you see either on social media or television. The work of a copywriter is to craft headlines that compel the audience and prompt them to purchase the product. Therefore, copywriting has short-term goals with significant returns. However, content writing is to inform or educate the audience about a specific topic. Their job is to create such creative content that engages the audience. They write articles, blog posts, social media posts, and even eBooks that aware the audience about a specific brand and educate them about their product. Even though their direct concern is not to generate sales, but they are indirectly concerned with selling. Content writers create a sense of urgency for the audience with their creative posts.

The Language Used in Copywriting and Content Writing

The job of a copywriter is to persuade customers through their language. They have to write such content that emotionally appeals to the reader’s mind and prompts them to take immediate action. It may sound unusual, but copywriters can either make or break the business. Brands that are famous all around the world have hired creative copywriters. They write such engaging ads that compelled the audience to buy their products. However, content writers use informative language which their audience wants to read. They write content that is precise and easy to read. They are not looking to make a sale right away. However, trying to garner and retain traffic on their blog posts. Primarily, they inform the audience about significant products.

Types of Writing in Copywriting and Content Writing

There are numerous opportunities for both copywriters and content writers. Before the age of the internet, copywriting was only limited to advertisements on televisions, newspapers, and magazines. Since the age of the internet has revolutionized the world, it also created numerous opportunities for copywriters. The list is not limited, but here are some types of copywriting. The primary platform in today’s age is social media. There are also email campaigns, catalogs, billboards, brochures, postcards, television or radio commercial scripts, video scripts, sales letters, SEO content, slogans, taglines, web page content, catalogs, and many others. The main focus of copywriters is to sell people an idea and make the value of their product in a market. Some areas of content writing might overlap with Copywriting. Copywriters write content in a precise way, while content writers elaborate that content. Content writers write articles, blog posts, newspaper pieces, magazine features, email newsletters, e-books, books, print magazines, podcasts, television, and films.


Let’s assume Copywriting and Content writing are the sides of one coin. If one is the head, then the other one is the tail. Their techniques are different, both working to promote or create a business in today’s world. To promote a business, marketing, or creating awareness about the brand goes hand in hand. You need to discover and stick to which discipline you have a capability.
Follow this link to avail offer of the best content writing guide for you. keep sharing and promoting us for high-quality content in the future.

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10 Best Viral Content Marketing Strategy Tips In 2020 Sun, 09 Aug 2020 19:55:05 +0000 Are you looking for the best content marketing strategy that definitely makes your content viral? Getting the right audience for your content is not easy. There are no predefined rules to make your content viral. Still, there are some tips and tricks that really work.

Today, I will list down the 10 best viral content marketing strategy tips with you guys that really works for me. Everyone wants to index their content on browsers (search engines) but nobody is ready to follow the rules and useful tips. 

You need to pre-plan each and everything before publishing your content on the internet. Content that is published without any content marketing strategy is just a waste of time and sources. Let’s discuss how we can make our content viral on the internet following the simple and easy tips.

Best Viral Content Marketing Strategy Tips

Here are some result-oriented content marketing tips to follow. Make sure that you are implementing the thing in the right way to get the desired result.

  1. Set Objectives For Your Content
  2. Target The Right Audience
  3. Build Viral Blog For Content Marketing  Strategy 
  4. Make Sure Your Content is Mobile Friendly
  5. Run Bulk Email Marketing Campaign
  6. Work On Goodwill & Branding
  7. Use The Power Off Social Media Platforms
  8. Make it Simple and User Friendly
  9. Keep Yourself Engaged with Audience
  10. Giveaway

Set Objectives For Your Content

First of all understand the purpose of your content, for what purpose you are going to create your content like 

  • Getting your brand awareness 
  • Getting traffic on your channels 
  • Make Sale or  Convert the Visitor to Clients

These are some highlights objectives of creating content. You are not able to make your content viral or run a successful content marketing strategy until you are well aware of your content objectives.

Identify the growing stage of your business and decide the content creation strategy accordingly. Once you have a clear objective about what you want to achieve through your content. You are good to go for the next step.

Target The Right Audience

Creating the written content is not enough, the hardest part after content creation is to target the right audience for your content. List down all the requirements and needs that you want in your client. Build a user persona to identify the best-fit audience. 

Make the list of likes and dislikes of your audience and create your content according to your audience’s interest. Facebook Business Manager is one of the best user analytics and informational tools for building your user persona. Be careful in selecting your audience, your complete content marketing strategy is based on it. 

Build Viral Blog For Content Marketing  Strategy 

Content marketing is an ongoing process, that is why you need a stable medium where you promote your products and content freely and independently. Vial Blog is the best solution for this. Build and Maintain your own viral blog, post attractive, and eye-catching blog post topics on it. Do proper on-page and off-page SEO of your blog. Believe me, your blog will generate unexpected revenue for you as well.

Make Sure Your Content is Mobile Friendly

While creating your content, keep in mind that your content should be mobile responsive. Responsiveness means that your content should be adjustable according to the device screen size. Mostly it depends on your website theme and structure. Always choose a mobile responsive and mobile-friendly theme, if you design the custom website this should also be mobile friendly as well. 

Run Bulk Email Marketing Campaign

Once you are done with your content and publish it on the internet, the next step is to make it viral by applying content marketing strategy and tips. Bulk email marketing is one of the most effective brand awareness and lead generation methods. You can also use it to drive the traffic on your content and make your content viral using email marketing.

Work On Goodwill & Branding

Good Content is not enough to make your content marketing successful. Your brand or business should also have a good awareness or goodwill in your audience’s mind. Make your business trustworthy and be real in your content. Most of the people really hate fake and unverified content.

Use The Power Off Social Media Platforms

Nobody can deny the power of social media platforms. Once you understand how much traffic social media marketing can generate you would not imagine living without it. Set up your profiles of all social media platforms, and complete it a hundred percent. Some of the popular platforms are Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Pinterest, Tumblr, etc

Make it Simple and User Friendly

Don’t try to overload your content with useless things & objects. Make it simple for your audience, use eye-catching colors and good contrast. Users simply ignore your content if it distracts their attention. Apply proper UI/UX rules while creating your content. Use flexible tools to design and write your content.

Keep Yourself Engaged with Audience

Audiences always appreciate the content creator if the content inspires them. Connecting with your audience is a way to build a trustworthy relationship between you and your audience. Come up live using social media channels to listen to the question from your audience and reply to them in the form of detailed answers. Your audience is your real power. What a beautiful quote some write”

“Your Network is Your Net-Worth”


This one is the most useless but result oriented tip because the audience always waits for the free sweets. once you feel that you are failing in all the above tricks, go to your social media profiles and offer free services and products to your audience. Honestly, you will see the unexpected response from the audience.

That all for now about the content marketing strategy, I hope it may help you in getting traffic and making your content viral. 

Learn more about how to create quality content that actually ranks in search engine results. search engine loves the unique and quality content, prepare great and high-quality content for your channels.

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8 Secret Tips How To Write Great Content In 2020 Sat, 08 Aug 2020 13:41:13 +0000 Want to learn how to write great content that definitely ranks in the search engine? Content writing is the most attention seeker part of whether you are writing for content for your blog or for your client. Today we will discuss the 8 secret ingredients for content writing.

Well optimized and quality content boosts your website traffic without any additional headache. Think for a while, why people are always looking for a quality content writer to create great content. Unique and fresh content just like a sweet dish for the search engines because Google and other search engines really love the quality content.

Here are some secret tips to write great content in 2020 that definitely indexed in search engines.

8 Secret Tips How To Write Great Content

Know About Your Targeted Audience

Before starting writing your content you must have a strong understanding of your targeted audience. Understand their interest and taste of humor and seriousness. Make your content according to your audience’s interests and needs. If you ignore the targeted audience and start writing your content without understanding their interest, I suggest you don’t write. You are just wasting your time and resources as well. 

Find Out Your Writing Purpose 

Once you understand your targeted audience, find out your content writing purpose. I mean to say identify your intention about writing content. Make sure that your content is able to deliver the core message to the audience or not?

Build a Story 

Keep your audience engaged while reading your content. Learn how to do story building content writing. Story building is the most effective way to deliver the message because it attracts the reader to make comparisons between their lives and your content.

Breakdown In Eyes Catching Headlines 

Don’t write your content in a linear structure, break down your content in small sections or paragraphs with proper headings. It will increase your user readability ratios and keep your reader engaged with your content. Make sure you are using headings from H1-H6 to make more search engine friendly content. 

Use Stock Images & Charts 

Use copyright-free or stock images for your websites to prevent Google penalties. Pictures are always worth a hundred words and pay important roles to grab the reader’s attention. The images should be enough explanatory If some don’t want to read the complete section of your content to get the idea about what’s going on in the section. Use proper charts or analytics figures to display the statistical data in your content to make it more real.

Keep Your Reader Engaged 

Most importantly for your reader’s attention, don’t put the distracting things in your content that distract the reader. Don’t put the autoloading and auto clickable ads between your content.believe me readers really hate this thing and will never come back to read your content. Give real-life examples that fit on reader problems and make them feel relatable while reading your content.

Add CTA (Call To Actions)

Don’t bore the reader, and make some call to action that is related to your content. It will increase the reader’s exploring point of view which is really helpful to decrease the bounce rate on your website.

Use Related Hashtags

The power of a hashtag you will never understand until you use it in an accurate manner. Add proper and related hashtags in your content’s tags section.keep in mind if you are creating content on event blogging or training topics make sure that you are using the proper combination of hashtags.

That’s all for now, apply these tricks while creating content for your channel, I assure you that you will see the result very soon. To write great content your dedication and consistency really matter. Be honest with your channel and website and post the well-formatted and quality content regularly to get the captivating result. 

I hope this article is helpful about how to write great content for your website. Learn more about how to get the most attractive and traffic driven Blogspot topic. Keep connected with our channel to learn more ti[ps and tricks.

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Exclusive Benefits And Types Of Freelance Writing Jobs Fri, 24 Jul 2020 15:56:44 +0000 Recently started as a freelance writer and confused about what types of jobs suit best for you?

A freelance writer is someone who gets paid for an online piece of writing. If you a newbie to freelance writing I just want to get in-depth about the types of freelance writing jobs you can apply for as a freelance writer.

In this article, I will also discuss what are the exclusive benefits which are only for freelance writers. Once you have decided to pursue your career in freelance writing jobs, you have to understand the types of jobs you can apply to and what is best for you to apply to.

Types Of Freelance Writing Jobs


There is a slight difference between articles and blog posts. There is not much of a difference between these two but the article is a more in-depth type and well-researched of content writing whereas a blog post is precise and easygoing than that. This kind of job nature such as article and blog post writing is covering the bulk of freelance writing jobs online. 

Article writing pays better than the blog post writing. But blog post writing is nowadays more popular than article writing. A blog post is in a conversational tone where is articles are mostly journalistic tones. So, considering one of the other better than each other is a tough choice to make. 

As a freelance writer, you must master these two categories, they use in increasing traffic to the websites. You can also create your own blog. But creating your own blog requires a lot of time and effort and it’s not at all an easy job.


These types of writing mostly having a typical article writing. The newspapers and magazine writers are an informer to general people about any current event and the piece of writing is published in a magazine or a newspaper.

In this category competition is higher, the pay is lower and most of the time experience is a must.


Website content is what you have seen written on when you visit a website. Like the Home page, the About page, frequently asked Q and A’s, product illustration, and all the other pages you have seen on different websites are written by web content writers.

Nowadays every company is building a website these types of writers are in increasing demand and having a reasonably paid value.


Again to repeat this, if you need to be successful in getting freelance writing jobs and making clients, or to be a successful and in-demand freelance writer these two will be your best friend. Whatever content you write must be eye-catching, engage the audience, and having good search engine optimized than no one can beat you.

Learn SEO and Copywriting today and involve in every piece of writing you are dealing with. If you are a writer whose writing is ranking higher in search engines such as Google and you are increasing traffic through your posts you are more likely to be successful in freelance writing jobs.


If you are a legal person or having know-how about it. This category will pay you off as this niche is in demand. This type of writing needs to be double-quick and smart and requires a law background.


If you are okay with the lengthy writing projects or need a project which is a long term then this category suits you best. The client may require to write e-books about the biography of their own, a company’s product explanation, or much more reason.

Whatever the purpose of an e-book is, most of the time it’s not written under your name and it’s a time-taking and challenging project.


This is basically a form of marketing strategy, in which an affiliate content writer kind of promote or market the product through the piece of writing. As a writer, you need to explain product details, its pros, and cons too but mostly your writing should be in the favour of the product. 

After the writing piece is completed you will provide a product link at the end which will be an affiliate link. If someone bought that product through your writing content and the link given in that, you will get paid accordingly. This is another category that is in demand and most well paid.


This one is an easy job. In editing and proofreading, you will be given an already written content and you have to go through it and look for grammatical and spelling errors, the topic is well covered or not, the tone is right or not, etc. If you have a good critic’s eye or you are good at observation, you can go for this category.

Translation works for you if you know more than 1 or 2 languages. In this category also the content is already written you just have to translate it into the required language.


Ghostwriting is that your piece of writing will not be published under your name. This is a category I really don’t like or recommend. If you don’t need urgent money and can wait for it try to publish your content under your name this will help your career as a freelance writer. 

Initially, if you are not getting freelance writing jobs I might advise you to do it unpaid but not ghostwrite. But, no doubt it’s profitable but not recommended by me. 


If you can write a good resume this will be a good category to start with. It is mostly a side business. Not everybody can write resumes and if you help them writing it and they get hired, you will not only get paid but also be praised and get prayers. 

Exceptional Benefits Of Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelancing itself is having a lot of benefits especially over a traditional job, but Freelance writer jobs are having some exceptional benefits listed below:

  • A variety of work under one category that is writing
  • Flexible job and job timings
  • Chances of earning more than 9-5 jobs
  • Freedom of expression
  • Decrease stress 
  • Your work creates awareness for people
  • Your mind is growing with constant learning
  • Fame and money together
  • Most secure job category of Freelancing

Some tips: Like if have said before always prioritize your client. Think about it, research thoroughly, then go for the project. Always communicate with your client will help you setting up and getting freelance writing jobs. Every client whoever is hiring you has the goal to either to increase traffic to the web or increase the selling of the product. 

Always keep in mind no one hires anyone for writing. There is a purpose behind every project. Always understand and keep that purpose in your mind. Understand that you are hired to fulfill an expectation of the client and his needs. With your writing and help the client to generate sales.

Keep on trying. Many people when starting their freelancing career get freelance writing jobs that are unpaid or uncredited. Don’t get disheartened by that. Spend time in learning and building your skills slowly and gradually you will get paid and get credit ultimately.

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How To Kick Start Your Career As A Freelance Writer Tue, 21 Jul 2020 19:42:38 +0000 Isn’t it cool to write and get paid? Imagine sitting on your couch with your laptop searching through online jobs and one of them click your mind. The job wants to hire a freelance writer. Now you start to wonder that you can write and you are a writer but what is freelancing writing and who is a freelance writer? 

Or you recently encounter a friend or family who just started as a freelance writer and you have zero ideas about it. Well, I will give answers to most of your questions regarding freelance writing and freelance writer in the post below, that will help you to kick start your career as a freelance writer.

Freelance Writing And Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is a branch of Freelancing which is already discussed in my previous article.  There are a lot of things one can do in freelancing, but today I will be covering what is freelance writing and how you can kick start your career as a freelance writer.

A freelance writer is a type of writer who works from home through a laptop, and completely independent and self-employed. You can write on about almost anything, or you can choose your niche according to your interest. As a freelance writer, you have the freedom to express each and everything you want.

There are two types of freelance writers who are doing freelance writing on a full-time basis, and the others who do it on a part-time basis. It depends on your schedule and personal choice what suits best for you, or whether you prefer it over your traditional job.

 How to Setup As A Freelance Writer?

  • Things You Will Need

A need only following things to kick start your career as a freelance writer:

  1. A decently upgraded laptop with Microsoft word 
  2. A good internet connection
  • Skills And Softwares You Need To Master


This is the main skill you need to master, rest are all side ones. Only practice can make you a better writer and nothing else. If you feel sad or happy write. If you feel anxious write. Are you facing a major trauma or major change in life? Write. Having some thought in mind? Write. This will make your way expressive, improve your writing skills, speed, and tone.

Do you know what is the main thing besides practice that can improve your writing? It is learning and reading about each and everything, and gaining information daily. Keep feeding your mind with information to grow.


I don’t think that Microsoft office or Microsoft word needs any introduction for not only freelance writers but also for everyone who uses a computer. This is a software pack almost always installed in windows. 

Microsoft word is a software used to write letters, documents, applications, and different types of writing pieces. As a freelance writer, you must start with a Microsoft word as your writing pad. It’s easy to use and contains everything one may need.


After writing an important aspect is to learn photo or picture editing. Pictures must be attractive, high quality, and relevant to the topic of your article or blog. As a freelance writer always use Alt text for every image you use in your text.

You can use pictures from a copyright-free website such as Pixabay. Or you can also use pictures to edit and make them your own by using editing software like Canva.


Being a freelance writer having grammatical errors is generally unacceptable. Don’t worry nobody is perfect. You can write freely and later on correct your grammar using the build-in software or online available software such as Grammarly. It will not only correct grammar but also provide a lot of aids to your writing.


This one is the key to your success as a freelance writer. I can not emphasize enough on this one. But my advice is to start learning SEO as soon as you start your career as a freelance writer.

SEO is search engine optimization which is needed for increasing the traffic on your blog post or article by search engine results such as Google


To start your career as a freelance writer, I will recommend you to learn about copywriting which is actually focus on the things that will increase sales to your services or products if you are writing affiliate content for example. Copywriting helps the customer or audience to take action. 


And finally, once you have all the skills and software in orders start your research on the platforms or websites through which you will get hired like Fiverr or Upwork. Understand them so that because they are the platforms between you and your client.

  • Step by Step Setup

Once you have mastered the skills and software start setting up yourself as a Freelance Writer with these steps:


Niche is basically a category you want to write on. This can be something related to your field or something you are good at or understand better. Once you have decided your niche. My advice is to stick to it as it’s better for your career. But if don’t many people have their own style of writing and they write on almost everything this is also not an issue. But choosing a niche helps you to focus more and results will be better.


Once you have decided your niche. Start writing guys what are you waiting for? I mean I know you are asking how and where? The answer to this is the website that provides you a platform to publish your writing work under your own name such as you can get an idea from my profile on that. 

How this will help? In freelance writing, it is difficult to get hired without samples of articles. Once you approach a client send them your proposals with your sample works links. This will increase your hiring chances and get the client an idea about your writing style.


It’s better than with the online sample of published articles you create your online portfolio. The portfolio must be attractive, and explain all about you, and your skills as a freelance writer, can be made easily on Medium or you can create your one-page portfolio website for a better explanation. Check out my profile for reference.


Whenever you get any project or topic to write on getting thorough research about that first before writing is crucial. Read all the related articles, blogs, and researches on that topic to get an idea then start writing. Use search engines for your research such as Google or Google scholars.


Start writing your content in Microsoft word. Keep short sentences. Use bullets and headings to improve readability. Make short paragraphs. Then check your text for grammar mistakes and finalize. Everything between 500-1500 words is good to go.


Add relevant pictures in your text after editing from canvas or downloaded from copyright-free websites. Add alt text in every one of them.


Once your text and pictures are ready submit your work to the client or publish on the platform you are working on. Check out the blog I am working on Cheekly.


Hiring platforms are a lot of them but you need to consider those who are trustworthy. Platforms that are user-friendly, scam-free, and have a secure payment method such as Fiverr and Upwork. You can visit my profile link on them to get a better idea.


All the above was relevant about how to write and how to publish and where to publish. This was to introduce yourself to the world of freelance writers. Now, you need to apply for jobs. I have already discussed the platform on which you can search for jobs. Go there set up a profile and start finding jobs such as Fiverr.

Once you find your relevant job. Starting pitching and sending proposals to clients. Give them the link to their sample work and portfolio to get hired.


There are thousands of freelance writers or jobs for them in the market. But why are some successes and others don’t? The reason is to get a job lot of things matter, but one thing that matters most is the client. You have to understand your client and what he is required. 

If you communicate and understand him it will not only help you to deliver the desired work but also building up a long-term professional relationship with the client. Learn better how to pitch for jobs to get hired.

Top 10 Niches In Trends

You can write on every topic but it’s better to find and stick to your niche. Check you the link to find more about top niches you can write. I am listing below the top 10 in my opinion.

  1. Freelancing
  2. Pets
  3. Health, and Fitness
  4. Food and Nutrition 
  5. Beauty and Fashion
  6. Lifestyle
  7. Travel and Tourism
  8. Information and Technology
  9. SEO and Digital Marketing
  10. Parenting

Additional tips are to stay consistent and patient. Success never comes overnight, it comes best to those who wait patiently. Always try to look for great content for your article or blog post which is of public interest and according to your niche. And always make eye-catching headlines as this is a must. In the end, I just want to say that Don’t jump over things, stay calm. Spend your time in learning and reading and this will be the key to success for your career as a freelance writer.

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