
10 Best Viral Content Marketing Strategy Tips In 2020

Are you looking for the best content marketing strategy that definitely makes your content viral? Getting the right audience for your content is not easy. There are no predefined rules to make your content viral. Still, there are some tips and tricks that really work.

Today, I will list down the 10 best viral content marketing strategy tips with you guys that really works for me. Everyone wants to index their content on browsers (search engines) but nobody is ready to follow the rules and useful tips. 

You need to pre-plan each and everything before publishing your content on the internet. Content that is published without any content marketing strategy is just a waste of time and sources. Let’s discuss how we can make our content viral on the internet following the simple and easy tips.

Best Viral Content Marketing Strategy Tips

Here are some result-oriented content marketing tips to follow. Make sure that you are implementing the thing in the right way to get the desired result.

  1. Set Objectives For Your Content
  2. Target The Right Audience
  3. Build Viral Blog For Content Marketing  Strategy
  4. Make Sure Your Content is Mobile Friendly
  5. Run Bulk Email Marketing Campaign
  6. Work On Goodwill & Branding
  7. Use The Power Off Social Media Platforms
  8. Make it Simple and User Friendly
  9. Keep Yourself Engaged with Audience
  10. Giveaway

Set Objectives For Your Content

First of all understand the purpose of your content, for what purpose you are going to create your content like 

  • Getting your brand awareness
  • Getting traffic on your channels
  • Make Sale or  Convert the Visitor to Clients

These are some highlights objectives of creating content. You are not able to make your content viral or run a successful content marketing strategy until you are well aware of your content objectives.

Identify the growing stage of your business and decide the content creation strategy accordingly. Once you have a clear objective about what you want to achieve through your content. You are good to go for the next step.

Target The Right Audience

Creating the written content is not enough, the hardest part after content creation is to target the right audience for your content. List down all the requirements and needs that you want in your client. Build a user persona to identify the best-fit audience. 

Make the list of likes and dislikes of your audience and create your content according to your audience’s interest. Facebook Business Manager is one of the best user analytics and informational tools for building your user persona. Be careful in selecting your audience, your complete content marketing strategy is based on it. 

Build Viral Blog For Content Marketing  Strategy

Content marketing is an ongoing process, that is why you need a stable medium where you promote your products and content freely and independently. Vial Blog is the best solution for this. Build and Maintain your own viral blog, post attractive, and eye-catching blog post topics on it. Do proper on-page and off-page SEO of your blog. Believe me, your blog will generate unexpected revenue for you as well.

Make Sure Your Content is Mobile Friendly

While creating your content, keep in mind that your content should be mobile responsive. Responsiveness means that your content should be adjustable according to the device screen size. Mostly it depends on your website theme and structure. Always choose a mobile responsive and mobile-friendly theme, if you design the custom website this should also be mobile friendly as well. 

Run Bulk Email Marketing Campaign

Once you are done with your content and publish it on the internet, the next step is to make it viral by applying content marketing strategy and tips. Bulk email marketing is one of the most effective brand awareness and lead generation methods. You can also use it to drive the traffic on your content and make your content viral using email marketing.

Work On Goodwill & Branding

Good Content is not enough to make your content marketing successful. Your brand or business should also have a good awareness or goodwill in your audience’s mind. Make your business trustworthy and be real in your content. Most of the people really hate fake and unverified content.

Use The Power Off Social Media Platforms

Nobody can deny the power of social media platforms. Once you understand how much traffic social media marketing can generate you would not imagine living without it. Set up your profiles of all social media platforms, and complete it a hundred percent. Some of the popular platforms are Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Pinterest, Tumblr, etc

Make it Simple and User Friendly

Don’t try to overload your content with useless things & objects. Make it simple for your audience, use eye-catching colors and good contrast. Users simply ignore your content if it distracts their attention. Apply proper UI/UX rules while creating your content. Use flexible tools to design and write your content.

Keep Yourself Engaged with Audience

Audiences always appreciate the content creator if the content inspires them. Connecting with your audience is a way to build a trustworthy relationship between you and your audience. Come up live using social media channels to listen to the question from your audience and reply to them in the form of detailed answers. Your audience is your real power. What a beautiful quote some write”

“Your Network is Your Net-Worth”


This one is the most useless but result oriented tip because the audience always waits for the free sweets. once you feel that you are failing in all the above tricks, go to your social media profiles and offer free services and products to your audience. Honestly, you will see the unexpected response from the audience.

That all for now about the content marketing strategy, I hope it may help you in getting traffic and making your content viral. 

Learn more about how to create quality content that actually ranks in search engine results. search engine loves the unique and quality content, prepare great and high-quality content for your channels.

Qasim Mughal

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